
Cerro Dominador, Chile

  • Location: Chile
  • Date: 2018

Mandy McNeil International are proud to be both the Lenders and the Sponsors Insurance Advisor on this award winning project.

Cerro Dominador

• The international award is presented annually in New York by LatinFinance.
New York city .- Yesterday, Cerro Dominador, the first concentrated solar plant under construction in Latin America, received a double award for the best Renewable Energy Financing and the Best Infrastructure Financing in the Andes Region. The financing for an amount exceeding USD 800 MM was signed in May by a group of international and local financial institutions, including Natixis, Deutsche Bank, Société Générale, ABN AMRO, Santander, Commerzbank, Helaba, Brookfield, KB Insurance, KfW-IPEX, Kyobo and BTG Pactual.

“We are doubly proud of this award. First, because all the financial institutions have validated the technical quality of this project as well as the strength of our company and our sponsor, which have fulfilled all the commitments undertaken when we embarked on this initiative. Secondly, because it is an innovative project that has already become iconic and puts us as a leader in renewable energy worldwide,”

said Fernando González, CEO of Cerro Dominador.

The concentrated solar plant will provide 110 MW of power, in addition to the 100 MW provided by the photovoltaic plant already in commercial operation. The investment is one of the main energy investment initiatives currently underway in Chile. It is worth mentioning that the CSP plant, which has 17.5 hours of thermal storage capacity, will provide electricity 24 hours a day, making this project unique among the Renewable Energy (NCRE) initiatives in the country. This final stage of the construction will be performed by a consortium formed by Acciona and Abengoa.

The project, located in the Municipality of María Elena, 60 kilometers from Calama, will prevent the emission of some 870,000 tons of CO2 per year, also avoiding the emission into the atmosphere of approximately 643,000 tCO2 per year, equivalent to the emissions of 357,000 vehicles circulating for one year, once it starts operating.

Cerro Dominador

• On the occasion, the company also received the award “Best Andes Infrastructure Financing Project” for the complex comprising 110 MW of solar thermal and 100 MW of photovoltaic technology.

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